Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fire Safety

It is always important to learn about fire safety because it is one of those disasters that can happen almost anywhere- most often at home. Here are a few tips to help you and your families be prepared in the event of a fire:

- M
ake sure all family members know what to do in the event of a fire. Draw a floor plan with at least two ways of escaping every room. Make a drawing for each floor. Dimensions do not need to be correct. Make sure the plan shows important details: stairs, hallways and windows that can be used as fire escape routes.

- T
est windows and doors—do they open easy enough? Are they wide enough. Or tall enough?

- C
hoose a safe meeting place outside the house.

- P
ractice alerting other members. It is a good idea to keep a bell and flashlight in each bedroom.

- Always sleep with the bedroom doors closed. This will keep deadly heat and smoke out of bedrooms, giving you additional time to escape.

-Find a way for everyone to sound a family alarm. Yelling, pounding on walls, whistles, etc. Practice yelling "FIRE!"

- In a fire, time is critical. Don't waste time getting dressed, don't search for pets or valuables. Just get out!

- Roll out of bed. Stay low. One breath of smoke or gases may be enough to kill.

This information can be found at:

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